Pond Care

Pond Care Calendar
Every season brings something new to a water garden. Help yourself stay on top of maintenance. Create a Pond Care Calendar to know the basic tasks for each season. Spring  Un-winterize by undoing everything from the winter Start feeding the...
Guide for Controlling the Mosquito Population of a Pond
Get Mosquitoes to Buzz Off! Mosquitos are a nuisance, cause itchy bites, and may assist in the spreading of disease. As such, it is very important to control their populations within your backyard. These steps will keep mosquitoes from breeding...
Kid-Friendly Backyard Pond Activities
As most kids begin their summer breaks, this is the time of year when parents start to wonder how they can encourage their children to spend more time outside, being active. Designing and building a pond makes for a great...
Planning your Dream Pond in 10 Steps
It all  boils down to location, location, location. Choose where you want your pond to be located on your property. Think about a location that isn’t in full sun, or directly under a tree. A nearby grounded electrical source is a bonus. Choose the design. Will...
Summer Tips for Healthy Backyard Pond
When summer rolls around, most pond owners look forward to spending more time outside enjoying their water garden. And while summer is often the most interesting time of year for watching pond life, it can also be the most challenging...
Pros and Cons of Backyard Ponds
There are many benefits to having a backyard pond, but there are some drawbacks as well. Evaluate the pros and cons of backyard ponds before digging. Benefits include: Relaxing sounds and sights A backyard escape Habitat for wildlife Visual appeal...
What Is the Best Filter For My Pond?
A pond in the summer is not equal to a pond in the winter.  As the seasons’ change, the ecology of the entire pond changes as well.  If your pond filter system is not adequate for summer weather, the fish,...
Pond Water Features: More Than Just Nice to Look At!
If you are considering adding a pond to your garden, or if you are considering adding a water feature to your existing pond—ask yourself, why? Usually, the answer is based on aesthetic reasons, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  Pond water...
How Do I Control Algae During the Summer?
Summer—the time for barbecues, swimming, and, if you’re not careful, a pond overgrown with algae.  But summer water garden care doesn’t have to be a chore if you take action early. Algae needs four things to grow—Nutrients, Carbon Dioxide, Sunlight,...
How to Find Right Place for Your Backyard Pond
When starting the water garden planning process, choosing a suitable location should be your first step. There are a lot of factors to consider, including practical factors like the amount of shade, as well as aesthetic factors like how it...
Proper Ways to Clean Your Pumps and Filters
Pond season is almost here and it will soon be time to reintroduce your pumps and filters into your water features. Before you jump into the season, though, you need to take time and make sure that all your pond...
How to Treat Algae in Your Pond
Algae can be a tough thing to control, especially if you have a large lake or pond. When winter is over and you feel better that the sun is peeking through months of gloomy gray clouds, the fish and plant...
Aquatic Plant Décor for Your Pond
Every pond needs life to really make it come alive; otherwise, it is just a stagnant body of water. You can add aesthetic touches to your pond so that it remains dynamic. Many pond owners love to have different types...
Pond Filters and Filter Kits
Summertime is coming and with it comes the time when you get to enjoy your pond. Relax in the evening light and watch the fish as they swim merrily in your pond or observe the insects that flit to and...
What Do You Do When The Weather Warms Up?
While getting your pond ready for the winter was essential, it is just as important to give your pond the proper attention when the weather starts to warm up. Properly opening your pond during the spring is just as vital...
Pros and Cons of the Best Pond Plants
Pond plants are a great addition to virtually any pond. They can add color, depth, and can even cut down on your pond maintenance! Choosing the right plants for your pond can be tricky, however. It will depend a lot on your individual tastes and what you are trying to do by adding the plant.
A Simple Spring To-Do List for Your Water Garden
Spring is just around the corner! Excitement is bubbling up in anticipation for enjoying your pond and water garden. Now is the time to do some regular maintenance and inspections, so that your pond is in peak condition. Planning ahead enables...
Preventing Toxic Gases in Your Pond
Your pond is an amazing ecosystem of fish, plants, and soothing running water. But did you know that is also home to toxic gases? Do you know the process of preventing harmful gases in your pond? These gases are part of...
Preparing a Pond for a Freeze
There are many areas in the United States where pond freezing is an issue that you need to address each year. Home owners that are considering installing a pond often have many questions about how to winterize it. pond boss®...
Pond Items to Remove in the Winter
Winter means colder temperatures in many areas of the country. No matter where you are, you will likely need to prepare for the change in seasons for your pond. One of the major questions you may ask is: Which pond accessories should a...