Lake Management

Environmental Reasons To Have A Lake
Whether you are walking around a lake with your pet or sitting next to one in a lawn chair, it is hard to beat the calming sensation that your body feels when it is next to the water. However, proper...
How to Create a Lake Management Plan
Creating a lake management plan is an imposing task. There are many factors to consider, and for every problem that a lake might have, there are several possible solutions. You may feel overwhelmed before you even begin! If that sounds...
When Is Algae Bad for My Lake’s Ecosystem?
Algae control in lakes is a major concern.  But, not all algae is bad; in fact, when it is kept in balance with the rest of the lake’s ecosystem, it is essential.  So, how do you know when you’re in...
Bio-Loads and Lake Nutrients: Getting the Balance Just Right
Lake nutrients are a key part of lake management. Without the proper nutrients, your fish can die, your plants can wilt and die off, and your water can become cloudy or overrun with algae. You may even end up with...
Dealing with Algae
Adding a commercial lake to an area brings a special element to an otherwise barren landscape. It makes commercial properties more finished and sophisticated. It makes places like golf courses or large lawns look elegant and well-maintained. Lakes definitely add...